Psalms 132

A song of ascents.

1 Lord, remember David

and all his self-denial.

2 He swore an oath to the Lord,

he made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob:

3 ‘I will not enter my house

or go to my bed,

4 I will allow no sleep to my eyes

or slumber to my eyelids,

5 till I find a place for the Lord,

a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob.’

6 We heard it in Ephrathah,

we came upon it in the fields of Jaar:

7 ‘Let us go to his dwelling-place,

let us worship at his footstool, saying,

8 “Arise, Lord, and come to your resting-place,

you and the ark of your might.

9 May your priests be clothed with your righteousness;

may your faithful people sing for joy.” ’

10 For the sake of your servant David,

do not reject your anointed one.

11 The Lord swore an oath to David,

a sure oath he will not revoke:

‘One of your own descendants

I will place on your throne.

12 If your sons keep my covenant

and the statutes I teach them,

then their sons shall sit

on your throne for ever and ever.’

13 For the Lord has chosen Zion,

he has desired it for his dwelling, saying,

14 ‘This is my resting-place for ever and ever;

here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it.

15 I will bless her with abundant provisions;

her poor I will satisfy with food.

16 I will clothe her priests with salvation,

and her faithful people shall ever sing for joy.

17 ‘Here I will make a horn grow for David

and set up a lamp for my anointed one.

18 I will clothe his enemies with shame,

but his head shall be adorned with a radiant crown.’

A nice wee psalm this.

The main feature is that Yahweh did not choose just any man to be King, he chose David. He chose a youth working amongst the sheep to be King. This is because he knows those he has called. David was anointed King yet had to wait 27 years before this fact became reality. During that time he had to become an outlaw, feared for his life, led a band of raiders, yet learned how to be King, control an army, and yet follow hsi God at all times. This was often a close thing, but he managed by the grace of Yahweh to succeed.

Jesus has called us to believe in him, trust him, and follow him.

This is not easy. They way will be hard, yet he will never leave us, though we may leave him. Our God knows each one he has called, our failings, our characters, our family history, our past, what we are made of, yet he has chosen to love us as we are. His choice, not ours.

Let us dwell in his choice of us, and live this out.

The End is Nigh?

For some 2000 years Cristians have been making clear that Jesus will return one day. Every change in the weather, every major war or astronomical event, every upset to the long established routine brings out the cry, ‘The End is Nigh.’ 

So far it appears this has not happened, just as well as many of us would not be saved. God is good in giving us time to come to him through his Son Jesus the Messiah.  Every so often we hear people telling us the world will end soon, and one day they will be right. Today is another time when such claims are being made, and not just by excitable US websites either. Let us consider some things.

For one, climate change, which is real enough no matter how many oil and energy giants lie to us about this, is already causing much damage to the world. Melting ice is flooding many areas, changing jet streams lead to weather distortions, even Scotland is getting warmer! The weather has of course always changed, ice ages come and go, floods, earthquakes and such like will always occur, the bible is full of them, but is it worse now, or is that just our perceived opinion?

Another sign to the end is the return of the Hebrews to the land God gave them several thousand years ago. This has been an ongoing conflict since the Great War but has recently reached an intensity beyond anything seen so far. The Hamas attack, the Prime Ministers response, and the thousands of deaths have not brought peace to the area, nor have they established Mr Netenyau as the hero he wished to be seen as. 

The potential in the middle east is always for trouble. Now Yemen Houti’s opening fire on passing ships in the Red Sea has caused an increase, which can only intensify here. It takes little to begin a war, especially when some wish to see one. 

One situation worldwide is the end of the concensus reached after 1945 where the west sought peace, sometimes at a cost. Today the ‘liberal west’ sees the democracies open to abuse by a far-right movement which cares nothing for law or democracy and is intent on ruling the west. Donald Trump, an egomaniac has much support among many who have rejected Jesus while holding bibles, and refuse to see any wrong in the indulgent, spoiled child who wishes to be king. There was a time he would have been thrown out immediately, not however, in today’s USA.

With the democratc west facing uncertainty, the liberal view questioning why deaths of Arabs in Gaza are tolerated, while those in the UKraine are not, and a growing right-wing threat to stability, can this precede an end to the world? 

One biblical view, and there are two or three to consider, indicates that Israel will be surrounded by the world, all the nations will attack Israel. This is because all have rejected the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, and Gods plan for their salvation. They reject God and follow a lie. Some would indicate that this could be the world situation today. Christian influence is weakening, that is, if it was genuine Christian influence in the first place of course, and the world is taking shape for the end attack on Israel.

The end times may indeed have come, though of course this may take another hundred, or a thousand years. Only God the Father, who is in complete control of this confused world, knows that date. Not even Jesus the Son knows this.

Christians require to rededicate themselves to their Lord and Master. To return to his word, seek to understand it, and follow him in their everyday lives. The Lord himself will work things out as they go about their business. He knows their needs, he knows their suffering, he knows their pain, he knows his plan. 

Until that day, as John Wesley put it, ‘Expect Jesus back at 9 am tomorrow morning, but plan for 100 years.’


“Transfiguration” by Carl H. Bloch, Danish Painter, 1834-1890. Oil on Copper Plate. Public domain. Source:

Daniel 7:9

‘As I looked, 

‘thrones were set in place,

and the Ancient of Days took his seat.

His clothing was as white as snow;

the hair of his head was white like wool.

His throne was flaming with fire,

and its wheels were all ablaze.

 10.  A river of fire was flowing,

coming out from before him.

Thousands upon thousands attended him;

ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.

13 ‘In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.


This Sunday the church I didn’t attend, was considering the transfiguration of Jesus.  The time he took three disciples up a mountain alone, and was suddenly transfigured, Moses and Elijah appearing beside him.  This, strangely enough, is a moment I and others I think often ignore.  We read it and move on.  However, if we read the powerful description in Daniel we see where Jesus came from, thus we can no longer imagine him to be merely a ‘good man,’ but we are forced to accept him as God on earth.

The supernatural is missing from many churches these days.  Those who accept and believe it often forget it during the working day, yet it remains the real world, and this earth a mere copy.  

Jesus transfiguration frightened the disciples, how much more we when God moves in our lives.  When God interferes with our lives on earth it can be frightening, we cannot control him, the supernatural is above and beyond what we know.  Yet, the image of God seen on his throne, pure and Holy, surrounded by myriads of angels, yet offering his Son, the one to be worshiped, simply to save individual people here on earth.  The Love that is revealed as this Holy God reaches down to me and you, dies as a substitute for my sin and yours, and knows all the corruption inside, and there is plenty in me, is quite astounding.  To think that this Holy God wants someone like you and me to be with him, enjoying him for ever is a thought worth considering.


India is a nation of over a billion souls. There are many Hindu’s, a lot of Muslims and a smattering of Christians. Alongside this we find a whole number of beliefs, some going back into the depths of time. Many are apparently harmless, other dangerous to the individual and those around them.

Recently, a couple sacrified themselves. They cut off their own heads, allowing the head to fall into a firepit. Quite what they hoped for is not stated. How many others follow such an idea across this part of Asia? So many people, such wealth, and such ignorance.

Not that the west can claim to be civilised mind you.

Many religions, and religious beliefs call for sacrifice. Since man walked the earth he has thrown items, sometimes broken, into rivers and ponds in an effort to obtain his wishes from a deity. Sometimes he sacrifices people, occasionally his sons.

The difference between such false religion and the Living God is clear.

While we sinners offer a pittance for our sin, this God offered himself! He came to earth, well aware of our corruption, lived amongst us for around thirty years and then offered himself on the cross, as a substitute for our sin nature.

How can we not love him for this?

How can I fail here?

Let us offer a living sacrifice of ourselves to the one who died for you!


There are those who proclaim a God ‘who loves us all.’ And they are of course correct. However, they fail to add that there is none of us who can stand before the Holy God, and only those who accept Jesus substitutionary death on their behalf, who repent, become disciles and receive his Holy Spirit, and Follow their Lord will be accepted on the day we stand before him. This is iportant to mention as far too many ignore the finished work of Jesus.

Today, many who stand for biblical marraige, and in churches and church schools and colleges, are being strongly opposed by those who wish to ‘include’ all before God. The position is unacceptable according to those who wish to accept ungodly sex activity as permissible before God, the bible states clearly this is not the case. Therefore, opposition is found among those calling themselves ‘Christian’ when ‘Christian truths’ are stated before ‘Christians.’

This opposition is to be met, not withn fear but with understanding and love, and acceptance that the Lord is always with those who follow him. In Matt 10:Jesus warns his men that opposition will come as they state the good news. In family, town and village, many will strongly oppose the message God has sent to them, the cross of Christ. Those who stand for Jesus in any way will find opposition at home, in work, in shops, in the media and all this while fighting fears, doubts and sins within. However, Jesus states God knows every sparrow that falls, he knows the number of hairs on your head, he cares for you and is with you always. On the day you stand before him he will give you his reward, are we following, preaching and serving him, or the world around us?

Am I?

It’s the Bishops again

Now I must explain, I do not come from any ‘Bishop’ background.  My background is Scottish Presbyterian and later, non-denominational, so the almost worship I see of Bishops in England is not something I share.  Therefore when pronouncements are made by Bishops I tend to see them (I hope) from a biblical viewpoint, rather than a practical church viewpoint.  

Now the Bishops as you will realise have an important and difficult job, whatever they say brings opposition, both from believers and unbelievers.  In the glorious Church of England both exist.  

There are constant points of diversion that arise and today we have the Gay problem, in which there is a push for the church to accept something that is clearly wrong and goes totally against scripture into its midst.  Many oppose this, however, it appears possibly two thirds of the bishops do not.

So where are we today?

The issue pushed constantly by a small minority is that the church ought to accept gay marriage or civil partnerships between gay couples.  The ‘Trans’ issue is put to one side, but you can guess it is coming soon.  The world around us has accepted gay marriage as normal, though we note there was no question of asking the populations whether they agreed or not.  Civil partnerships, where two people live together and can inherit from one another cause no problem, except in the church when gay relationships are involved.  

To be a Christian means recognising you have a corrupt nature, full of sin.  You can never stand before  a Holy, perfect God, your creator and one day we all will stand before him.   All are lost, none can stand.

God himself takes the initiative and in Jesus of Nazareth dies in our place, hounded, wounded and crucified.  He dies physically and spiritually, the second person in the Trinity is separated from his Father for the only time in eternity, for me and for you.

Jesus dies for our sin.

When we recognise this we have a choice to accept this and follow him or go our own way.  He wishes desperately to save us, he wishes to make us new and he knows all about us as a father knows his child.  Our acceptance of this sacrifice for us and our choice to change our ways and follow this living God is called repentance and faith.  

Without this we do not belong to Christ.

The problem all denominations have faced is that some who have repented, and I tend to the belief that others who have not, are forcing churches to accept that which goes against scripture teaching, and indeed our human understanding of normal sex.  We now see gay marriages in various churches, while such as this are also ‘affirmed and blessed.  This should not be.

The choice the Bishops have made is to refuse to allow gay marriage in the CoE, which is correct according to scripture, but now will allow those who wish to affirm such gay partnerships or marriage the right to do so.  This is clearly unacceptable.

Lev 18:22.  “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.”

This is quite clear, many other verses you will know back up this command.  These commands come from the very heart of god, reflecting his love and holiness.  They reflect we are made in the image of God, males and female, and those who follow him are intended to obey this.

There is no doubt there are many, though a minority in the land, with such tendencies.  We are all sinners, our tendencies, our failures, our reactions to life reveal themselves in other ways, but they remain corrupt in Gods sight, just like gays.  It is Gods will they are healed.  God loves each one and I tend to the opinion he wishes to love every gay, but wishes to see them lose this lifestyle.

They poorly thought out draft from the Bishops speaks out of both sides of the mouth.  

This is unacceptable.

The Bishops, those at least who know God, ought to be speaking in love the good news of Christ Jesus, proclaiming his cross and nothing else.  They ought to offer love to all, but also demanding repentance and faith in Jesus.  Accepting someone without offering repentance is not the Good News.  

The world has taken gay rights to heart, but like us at one time, the world does not know God and does not, and cannot understand.  No church ought to follow the guidance of this world, we after all are only passing through, but we are meant to be light in a dark world.  We cannot enlighten a world by accepting sin as normal.  

If we do accept sin as normal we no longer require repentance, if so there is no requirement for forgiveness, and no need of a saviour.

Satan works wonderfully well.

There is much sin in our own lives, we are meant to be fighting it, not condoning it as we often do.  To allow this Bishops move to go ahead weakens the church in the eye of the world, after all it no longer has a position on which to stand.  

We must also take into account what is happening in the world around us.  ‘Diversity’ has arisen in politics, police, the church, the NHS, big business and schools.  Everywhere we see people standing up for marriage being between one man and one women being opposed, disciplined, sacked, and taken before the courts for ‘causing offence.’  Others are arrested for preaching because ‘someone’ is offended, still others cautioned or questioned by the police (the Thought Police now?) because they stand praying quietly.

Do people in the pews not notice how this has happened in front of them?

Do they not see where it will lead?

Governments are trying to impose a Bill that will mean praying for those who wish to lose a gay tendency becomes illegal.  A ‘Gay Conversion Therapy’ ban will mean it becomes impossible to pray for any who ask, because the law forbids it!  Is this what the church should accept?  The gay lobby wish to end Christian prayer, and indeed the Christian life, Satan knows how to hurt.  

Has the church not noticed?  

While we pander to gays they attempt to kill the church.

Christian ‘love,’ does not mean not hurting people.  A quick read of Pauls letters shows how he honestly, and indeed in love, dealt with sin in the churches.  We must do the same.  This will hurt those who sin, as indeed it hurts us when we admit our wrongs, which are many, but we must speak truth anyway.  If speaking Gods word hurts, then sin has been revealed, and their argument is not with you, but with Gods revelation of their sin and himself.

God the Father looks down and desperately wants the people to know him.  He desperately wants us to know him also.  His love is strong and genuine.  We cannot bring that to the world if we allow sin in ourselves or in the church as a whole.

So many in the churches are not aware, or not willing to be aware of the threat to their freedom of worship.  We live in troubling times, too few understand this and this latest move by the Bishops weakens an already poor hold the CoE has on the nation. 

It must be opposed.

Sunday Readings

Jeremiah: 23:1.  ‘Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!’ declares the Lord. 2 Therefore this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: ‘Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done,’ declares the Lord. 3 ‘I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,’ declares the Lord.

‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord,

    ‘when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch,

a King who will reign wisely

    and do what is just and right in the land.

In his days Judah will be saved

    and Israel will live in safety.

This is the name by which he will be called:

    The Lord Our Righteous Saviour.

Today’s Sunday reading according to the CoE features Jeremiah and Luke.  Always one from the old and one from the new testaments.  

Sometimes the speakers follow them!

Not being able to make it today, a result of rain and rusty knees, I read these passages and guess what the visiting speaker today would have said.  This is difficult as I have no knowledge of him whatsoever.  Indeed, as I must acknowledge, I have no knowledge whatsoever!

One thing is clear from a quick reading here, as always it is not what we do, it is what God does that matters.  The leaders have failed, it is the Lord who takes action.  Sin is the problem, it is the Lord who deals with it, at least for those who repent. 

The Lord creates, the Lord leads, and when we follow life is indeed life abundant. This, unfortunately, does not imply it will be easy.  Christians suffer the usual diseases, famines, and life problems all others have.  Christians also have sin within and have to fight sin daily in themselves.  No ‘Holy Willies’ in the Christian Church.  They also walk contrary to the thinking of the world. This causes problems with governments who wish to follow the world or just be obeyed.  

This passage begins with a warning to those leaders in Jerusalem around 600 BC, he could just as easily have been speaking to the CoE Bishops now under the leadership of ‘Stonewall,’ and influenced by the worlds outlook rather than scripture truth.  I wonder if their attitude is because far too many have a middle class, well educated Oxbridge background, and have risen too fast and too far in ecclesiastical circles rather than spend time on the ground at parish level, thus being removed from the man in the pew?  Mixing only with our peers limits our understanding.  This leads to the flock being badly led, God will take a hand once again, in the CoE as he has done in the past.

The Jeremiah story is amazing.  A very reluctant young man, forced into a position he did not want, who stood up in public and proclaimed the ‘Word of the Lord’ to the unwilling citizens.  Jerusalem had fallen far from Yahweh.  From the King down corruption reigned, God forgotten, society ruined, murder, crime, corrupt judges, and few worshipping Yahweh. He spent many years loudly abused and opposed by the majority of the townsfolk, laughed at and ridiculed, and almost killed.  Yet he preached on until the end when he was proved right.  They still rejected him!  

Because all people agree with a course of action, this does not make it right.

The people of Jerusalem were attacked by the Babylonians.  They did not change their ways, and ten years later they were completely destroyed by the same Babylonians, and many were removed to Babylon itself, never to return.  The Lord had spoken.

The present Anglican church has many who seek God, however, instead of following scripture they preach ‘Love,’ and ‘inclusion,’ and avoid ‘repentance.  Repentance, the giving our self over to follow Jesus.  The CoE will end badly.

As is the case so often, when the Lord speaks into a situation it does not confine itself to the time, the whole old testament is looking forward to the Lords dealing with the nature we all possess, the Self, the sin sick self that puts itself on the throne and ruins life for all others. 

I know about that.

Gods answer, ‘The Lord, our righteous saviour.’

Luke 23:33.  When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals – one on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.  35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, ‘He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.’  36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar 37 and said, ‘If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.’  38 There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the Jews.  

39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: ‘Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!’  40 But the other criminal rebuked him. ‘Don’t you fear God,’ he said, ‘since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.’ 42 Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’  43 Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’

The Lord, a righteous saviour did arrive.   He came at a time when a ‘Messiah’ of some sort was expected.  He did not however, arrive as expected.  Born, probably in a cave used as a stable, round the corner from everyone else, out of sight.  Raised in an obscure, unimportant village way up north,  a mere jobbing builder of limited income.  Uneducated according to the ‘Eton’ standards of the Jewish leaders of his day, and a man indistinguishable from the crowd, yet here was the saviour.

After a short period teaching and encouraging repentance and faith in himself, this man from ‘up north,’ was then crucified by the Jewish leaders through the unwilling Romans.  Fear for their position, fear that he was the Messiah, and demonic activity saw to the death of Jesus of Nazareth.   

However, a closer reading of any of the gospel reports reveals Jesus, not as a victim of oppression but as one willingly laying down his self, taking the eternal punishment for the sinful nature we all share, and yet as he did so offering forgiveness and eternal life to all around him.  Few, while six in iron nails are thumped into their hands and feet would offer such forgiveness.  He was no victim like the two beside him, he was a man, fully God and fully man, laying down his life, his Self, for you and me, and all who would receive him.  

By this means God, Yahweh, had dealt with sin for all who come to him in repentance, that is those who change their ways and ‘follow’ Jesus.’  This is indeed a righteous saviour, one who did no wrong, upset those who do, and paid the punishment price for those unable to endure eternity separate from God.    

US Troubles

The USA is a strange place.  A society that possesses a ‘myth’ that claims to offer ‘freedom,’ yet demands laws that protect individuals.  There is a clear problem here.  If I am free to do what I like so are you, but what happens when this leads to interference between one another?  Where does your ‘freedom’ end and mine begin?  

This weeks US freedom rage concerns abortion, the killing of unborn children.  It appears, through a ‘leaked’ document, that the Supreme Court may be deciding to reverse the ‘right to abortion,’ and this has caused much angst, at least among the media.  Naturally facts are not involved only emotion, facts get in the way of the cries on both sides and makes thinking difficult and decisions hard.  A failure of leadership from the top over many years has also failed to give guidiance.

I spent much of yesterday ‘discussing’ this with emotional women on Twitter.  The discussion with one was fruitful in that she had a true and awful tale of woe to reveal.  She had an abortion after beng raped many years ago, the child not being healthy, possibly unlikely to have any life whatsoever.  It is hard not to to feel for this woman.

However, we cannot avoid the fact that most abortions are not from stress, rape, poverty, or serious defects, the majority are women who now use abortion as a form of contraception.  Why?  Loose sex lives, a failure to take responsibility for their actions, and quite often having no idea or care as to who the father may be.  It is likely adulterous relationships also encourage a desire to dump the child to save face.  It has become known that Asian children are often aborted when it is known they are female, many only want male children, or have too many girls already.  Other children have been removed because of having minor faults such as a ‘hair lip.’  These are not legitimate reasons for such drastic action.

How can we, in a caring manner, support such women?  

First we need to encourage women to take responsibility for their actions.  ‘Keeping their legs together, as many did in the past, is not an idea that is encouraged.  Indeed, this I note is called ‘repulsive’ by some women, reflecting their desire to blame the man at all times, and allow the woman to live as she pleases.  A great many women considered this view acceptable!  

These people can vote!

Another responsible attitude would be to ensure the father had a choice in the abortion decision. The father today has no choice, he must be given such.  There again, this requires the father to take responsibility for his actions also and whatever the choice ensure he supports the woman. Sadly this, I suspect, is too much for many men.  They should be held accountable.  

Any decent government would ensure suport for such women, including proper aid in decision making, would be available, this is not the case today.  Indeed, it appears many women do not want this.  What does that tell us?  

Since 1967 some 10, million children have died through abortion in the UK, just imagine how this holocaust is repeated worldwide?  In Scotland alone last year over 14,000 abortions occurred, can you convince me this is making these women happy?  I feel for their minds and hearts in the days to come.  You can stifle a conscience  but it never dies.

Since 1967 the love of ‘freedom’ in the USA and the rest of the west has resulted in a loss of responsibility for our actions.  Freedom only exists where we control ourselves and take responsible decisions.  The lax laws offering a society abortion, gay sex, same-sex ‘marriage,’ ‘Trans’ people, encouraging loose sex lives, and independent living with the ability to walk away from difficulties has not produced a settled, stable society.  Instead we see suicide rates growing, confusion among the young, and the loss of ‘absolutes’ in morality.  This begins at the top of government and leaves us a fractured world in which almost anything goes.

I note, as an example, Akihito Kondo, a 35 year old Japanese man who in 2008 married a virtual reality hologram!  This kind of wedding is not unusual, I have read of women marrying a fence, one married a wall, and I am unwilling to look for any others of this ilk!  However, we note that the story of Akihito does not have a happy ending, the company that serviced the software terminated it and his ‘wife’ disappeared from screen!  

The lack of an absolute morality has weakened the world.  It takes little to scratch the surface of human beings to see that the sinner lies just below the surface of us all.  Note the actions of men in Ukraine today!  History records the selfishness, violence and uncaring attitudes within us, indeed, in the ‘west’ we are lucky to live in such peaceful times we can allow society to descend into such absurdities.  

In poverty ridden lands the search for daily survival means there is no time for such fripparies.  How grateful we all should be to have such an opportunity of life.

How can we stop abortion?  Responsible lives, a society built on strong marriage between one man and one woman, care for children, and governments that take resonsible attitudes to the needs of people rather than care only to keep themselves in power.  This present UK lot are indeed the worst I can remember, reflecting their PMs lack of concern for others and responsibility to his job.  But responsibility we must take, who knows what the end of western society will be?

And Jesus said “…

An Hour at the Cross

As normal on Good Friday we spent ‘An Hour at the Cross’ at St Paul’s at 2 pm, this afternoon.  With an ‘altogether ‘service this morning, and a (short) walk of witness to the town centre for a short praise gathering in the sunshine, many of our lot did not appear this afternoon.  The bright sunshine took those with kids away, tiredness removed others, while I avoided the morning meeting so as to be at the 2 pm one, which is more important.

The last couple of occasions different people took turns to read a portion of scripture, the next read a ‘reflecion,’ then a ‘response,’ then a ‘prayer.’  This year it was simplified and three persons only took these parts while we responded.

I have always liked such services as they require time for positive reflection, something normal church services do not allow.  It is as if we must get through it all quickly, no time to stop and consider.  Indeed, one man told me how he often stops during prayer but many in the congregation dislike this.  Possibly thinking is bad for them?  Today those who came clearly cogitated as we went through the booklet printed for this purpose.  Scanners and copiers are so useful in churches!  After an hour considering Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, beatings, trial, opposition, and yet not one word justifying himself uttered.  Then there was his condemnation by the cheif priests, with finally Pilates ‘passing the buck’ by ‘washing his hands,’ and finally the crucifixion, not for his wrongdoing, but for mine and yours.

This is the Love of God.  

His love for people like ourselves who recognise how our natures are corrupt, just like everybody else’s.  How God longs to love us, how he cried out to his people throughout the Old Testament, and how he cries out to each of us again today, no matter how bad.  Indeed even the Putin’s off this world can be forgiven, if they turn to God.  Recognising our nature we recognise also that this death of Jesus was on our behalf, not his.  Death, and that on a cross, not something he wanted to undergo, instead it was something he went through out of love for us and his Father that he was willing to endure, and by this opened a way for forgiveness, new life with the Living God, and the hope of eternal life to come, beginning now!

Yes, in spite of the cooker dying while I made use of it, in spite of a possible new neighbour this week, in spite of gas and electric charges, in spite of my many failures, in spite of all this Jesus, God in human flesh, went to the cross for me and you.  So, not everything is as bad as it appears.